Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Why the blog??

 I love finding a deal! Yes, I know that I am probably known as a coupon geek, but I really don't care.  I taught middle school math for 7 years and my favorite chapter of all to teach was the one on comparison shopping.  I even took the kids to a local grocery store on a field trip to practice comparing prices firsthand.  You could probably say it is just in my veins.  After taking a few years off to get married and have kids, couponing is now becoming a regular part of my life.  It does take time. It is a lot of work. It is very rewarding.  For me, it has become a part of my stay-at-home job description.  Savings during a single visit to the grocery store can at times be equal to what I would make subbing for a day, minus the transportation and child care costs.  I realize that couponing isn't for everyone and I don't expect you to do it.  But, if you have questions or want help, I am here for you! I have learned a lot from reading other people's blogs and would like to share that information with you. It is amazing how much can be saved with a little bit of extra work and some planning. 

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